Episode 1

November 05, 2024


Echoes of Pride: Narcissism and the Antichrist in Scripture w/ Paul & Watchful

Show Notes

In "Echos of Pride and Prophecy," we explore the spiritual continuum from Satan’s prideful defiance to Jesus’ ultimate humility, using the second New Testament commandment as our foundation. This episode examines how narcissistic traits reflect Satan's original sin and how these behaviors align with the spirit of the Antichrist. Through biblical analysis and thought-provoking reflections, we’ll uncover the clash between self-exaltation and God’s call to love others selflessly.

In each episode, we dissect how pride, self-exaltation, and a lack of love distort God’s call for selflessness, aligning more with darkness than light. We'll look deeply into how these attitudes conflict with Jesus' teachings, framing the discussion around real-life examples and biblical texts. From Satan’s rebellion to the ultimate depiction of the Antichrist’s deception, we expose how narcissism serves as a shadow of deeper spiritual battles.

Through expert interviews, scripture analysis, and reflective discussions, "Two Faces of Rebellion" challenges us to discern and combat these influences within our own hearts and communities.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Could you read for us 2 Timothy 3, 1 5? [00:00:06] Speaker B: Yeah. So just so we can see how. [00:00:08] Speaker A: This is tied into the end times. [00:00:10] Speaker B: Sure. So 2 Timothy 3:1:5. But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come, for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers without self control, brutal despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Man, that's an ugly list. [00:00:48] Speaker A: Sure is. The, you know, I've. I've been studying kind of narcissism and the other end of a kind of a spectrum we'll get into that a little bit is called empath and some of it through the creation, testifying to me. And I'm digging in very hard on the scripture on this because it is throughout basically all aspects of the scripture in understanding this topic is going to. It has increased my discernment dramatically. And I think it will do that for everybody. Spiritual growth has been really quite unlimited. You don't hit plateaus and get stuck and it just keeps you. You can keep growing constantly and it brings a lot of happiness. So I think all those benefits will be for all of us. In looking at this and starting this out. I don't want to give anybody the idea that we're blaming or finding fault or anything of that sort. We're all in this soup together. In fact, let's start out looking at where narcissism first came in. So maybe we could read Genesis 3:2 through 6, 10 through 12. You get it. [00:02:02] Speaker B: 3. [00:02:02] Speaker A: Yep. [00:02:03] Speaker B: Genesis 3:2, 6 and 10 through 12. So we are going back to the. [00:02:09] Speaker A: Very beginning and maybe 13 as well, but go ahead. [00:02:15] Speaker B: Genesis 3:2. And the woman said to the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat of it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die. Then the serpent said to the woman, you will not surely die. For God knows that in the day that you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing between knowing good and evil. So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruits and ate. She also gave it to her husband with her, and he ate. All right, so that was 6 and then 10 through 12 or 13. [00:03:06] Speaker A: Yeah, 10 through 13. [00:03:07] Speaker B: All right. So he said. [00:03:11] Speaker A: Yeah, we see in there. And as we kind of dig in and we understand the traits of narcissism, there's traits that are right in there. That is the original sin. And this has been passed down through many, many, many generations now, and we're still wrestling that same piece. Narcissism. [00:03:31] Speaker B: Yeah, we are, aren't we? [00:03:33] Speaker A: We sure are. Yep. Now, one of the pieces of scripture that I've really kind of contemplated and studied and tried to understand for a lot of years actually, is the first and second New Testament commandments. And let's go ahead and read those and then discuss that a little bit. [00:04:00] Speaker B: Sure. [00:04:00] Speaker A: Matthew 22:37 through 40. [00:04:04] Speaker B: Matthew 22:37. Jesus said to him, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandments. And the second is, like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. [00:04:26] Speaker A: Yeah, that's essentially. I. I'm understanding that to be essentially the whole Bible. [00:04:32] Speaker B: Right. [00:04:33] Speaker A: There might. There might be some parts, but I haven't found them yet. I. And I found that piece of scripture very hard to understand. People don't really talk about it that much. And when you look at it, it's unclear. It's love your neighbor as yourself. It sounds equal. Very equal, but. So if I buy a pickup for myself, does that mean I have to buy one for all my neighbors? [00:05:04] Speaker B: That's a really good point. I would think not, because that would be really expensive. [00:05:10] Speaker A: What, I'd never be able to get a vehicle. What kind of love are we talking about here, too? Because there's many different kinds of. And how does all that fit together? And when you start thinking about it that way, there's a lot more digging that needs to be done. Says there. You know, it's in this. It's all the laws, it's the prophecy, but it doesn't stand alone on itself. And it's. It's just too. Too tight of a summary until you break it apart. The. And I came. It just came into my life, for whatever reason, to ask the question, what is a person who only loves themselves? And the answer there is narcissist. [00:06:06] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that makes sense. [00:06:07] Speaker A: What they are. [00:06:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:06:11] Speaker A: And what is a person who loves others? And this ends a little more fuzzy for me because that's kind of an edge of research that I haven't done. Yet. But somebody who loves others and often puts others in front of them is called an empath. [00:06:30] Speaker B: Right. Yeah. [00:06:32] Speaker A: Now those terms are very helpful for research. You're not going to find them in the Bible, but there's lots and lots of literature on that. Who in the Bible do you think watchful is like the most narcissistic? [00:06:51] Speaker B: I'd have to say the devil. [00:06:53] Speaker A: Right. That's what I. [00:06:54] Speaker B: Fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yep. [00:06:59] Speaker A: And who do you think is the most empathic? [00:07:02] Speaker B: Have to be the opposite. That would be the son of God. Jesus Christ. Yeshua Hamashiach. Yeah. [00:07:08] Speaker A: Yes. And so now it's real clear where we want to be. We don't want to be towards a narcissistic end. [00:07:15] Speaker B: Right. [00:07:16] Speaker A: We want to be towards the empathic end. Right. [00:07:18] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, that makes sense too, with the watchers, because the. What caused them to agree together and come down and do something in disobedience to God was their own desire. They wanted to do what they wanted to do rather than what God wanted. [00:07:37] Speaker A: Right. Yep. I. The, one of the problems that I see with people who have a lot of narcissistic traits is they think about themselves too much. [00:07:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:54] Speaker A: And what, what the results are in their life is people leave them and a lot of them end up dying alone. But they. They have short, shallow relationships and it. Just because they're not loving on others enough. [00:08:12] Speaker B: Right. Yeah. That makes sense. [00:08:15] Speaker A: And building the skills of loving others is a great direction for them to go. They'll get a lot more happiness out of life and a lot better relationships. With empaths, what I see is they love others, but they forget the first New Testament commandment and they don't draw good personal boundaries. [00:08:45] Speaker B: It's a good point. [00:08:47] Speaker A: So they end up, somebody says, hey, would you do this for me? Would you do this for me? And they end up being kind of everybody's gopher and they don't find any real peace themselves. I. And if we think about Jesus a bit, what things did Jesus, you know, I'm kind of coming back to this. Equal love yourself equal to loving your neighbor. And that idea. And I don't. I don't agree with it. [00:09:21] Speaker B: Right. Because that goes back to your point to where what is. What is loving yourself. Right. And loving your neighbor. Is there an equality there? Do you buy them a truck? And when you buy you a truck, or is it something else? [00:09:34] Speaker A: Right. Yeah, And I think it's something else. And this also kind of unlocks for us too, as we look at Jesus. What is meant by love there? [00:09:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:46] Speaker A: Because Jesus was our teacher. He showed us the way. [00:09:50] Speaker B: He sure did. [00:09:52] Speaker A: But if you think what did, what things did Jesus. We know what he did. He was a carpenter. [00:09:59] Speaker B: He. [00:10:00] Speaker A: He walked to a number of places. [00:10:02] Speaker B: He. [00:10:03] Speaker A: He preached. But what was it that were Jesus's hobbies? [00:10:09] Speaker B: It's a good question. I mean, I. It doesn't really talk about his hobbies. I mean, I can. The things that I think about when I think about his life is he was in the temple asking questions as a child. His father was a carpenter. I don't know. It doesn't say if he liked it. I imagine he would have. But you're right, it doesn't really say a whole lot about what his hobbies are. [00:10:29] Speaker A: No, but it does say how he treated others. You know, if somebody was blind, he healed their blindness. If they were lame. Healed their lame. Raised people from the dead. I. He cured people of leprosy. He understood other people. He knew who they were, what they were, like what their needs were. And he helped them. But there were times, like Pharisees, for instance, where they wanted particular things out of him and he just kind of pushed them away. [00:11:08] Speaker B: True. Yeah. [00:11:10] Speaker A: And that's, that's where he was asserting personal boundaries. I. The personal boundaries that I, That I see is what is the Father's will? [00:11:21] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Because, you know, that's always been a question in my mind too. It's just like. Because your heart, you know, it's like when. Okay, so where do you draw the line with loving somebody? Because there has to be one. Because the scripture fits. It can't be broken. And the scripture talks about wolves and sheep's clothing, talks about the adversary. The devil walks about seeking whom he may devour. It talks about those with the spirit of Antichrist come from the bodies of Christ. They dwell among them and come from them. So it's just like, where do you draw boundaries when it comes to people who are. Of their father, the devil? Like, because they're tricky, it's going to be hard to identify them. Right, right. [00:12:07] Speaker A: Yeah. That's why I kind of dug into what are some of the traits. And I also looked at types of narcissists. Do you want to go into the types a little bit first? Just graze over it. [00:12:21] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, that's a good idea. Sure. [00:12:24] Speaker A: Because they're not all the same. They've. They've got at the core the same thing, selfishness. [00:12:32] Speaker B: But there's. [00:12:33] Speaker A: There's some. The one most commonly known is Grandiose, and they're kind of out there arrogant, belligerent, that type of thing. But there's one that's directly opposite to that. If you took somebody, for instance, that is introverted and shy, you see how they're kind of the opposite of the grandiose. [00:12:58] Speaker B: Sure, yeah. Yeah. [00:12:59] Speaker A: But. But they can still be selfish. [00:13:03] Speaker B: Right. [00:13:03] Speaker A: So they're. They're. They're a different type of narcissist. They're called covert. [00:13:08] Speaker B: Huh. Wow. So that. Would that be the wolf in sheep's clothing versus the wolf? The wolf would be, like, plainly obvious, but the wolf in sheep's clothing would be the one who's hidden. Not as obvious, I think. [00:13:21] Speaker A: I think they're all kind of wolves just trying to, you know, tear apart the sheep. Us. But there's. As I studied that, there was. I stopped looking when I came across about 150 different types because it was not helpful to learn that many. [00:13:40] Speaker B: Wow. Wow. Yeah. [00:13:43] Speaker A: And I threw kind of. I was seeing a pattern emerge too. And what that is, they're selfish. They want attention, they want love. And they have a vehicle or vehicles. They may have multiple vehicles that they use to draw something into them, usually love. But how do they get attention? So, like your arrogant person, they use this belligerent speaking to bring attention to themselves. There's. Let's see. One that I had a lot of experience with that you might not think about, but it's not a fun one. Is malignant narcissist. This is one that experiences joy and satisfaction out of hurting other people. [00:14:38] Speaker B: Wow. [00:14:41] Speaker A: I. When they hurt somebody, they feel strong, powerful, whatever, and they. They get really kind of an evil sense of satisfaction from that. [00:14:51] Speaker B: Yeah. That reminds me of a YouTube short of that guy who's always at the college campuses preaching the gospel. And he was at a table talking with somebody who had said that they liked. He had mentioned that he wanted to, like, bash the guy's face in the ground. And instead of, like, running away scared, he's like, well, what. What makes you want to do that? And he got to the point to where the guy basically had a God complex because it made him feel better and. Yeah, that sounds like what you're describing. [00:15:20] Speaker A: Yes, yes. Yeah. And some of them can get really. I mean, it depends on kind of how far the narcissistic traits go and behaviors, but they can get very violent. [00:15:31] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:36] Speaker A: Another one that I've seen here lately, and we're warned about this in the end times, is a spiritual narcissist. [00:15:45] Speaker B: Yes. [00:15:47] Speaker A: That is one that uses God's word and uses language that's spiritual in nature to draw attention, not to the Father. That's how Jesus did it. He always referred everybody to the Father. Right, but they used the scripture and the holy words and behaviors and whatnot to draw attention to themselves. [00:16:11] Speaker B: Right, yeah. You know, that makes sense because in my experience with cult leaders really is they use all the language from the scripture to make them appear spiritual. You know, about prayers and, you know, deliverance and baptism. And they, you know, the scripture interprets itself and, you know, let's use the scripture to, you know, prove what we're saying. And yet so often they. They're only saying those things. They're not actually doing them. And that was one of the biggest struggles I had growing up is I had these people telling me that what they were doing was based on the scripture. But then when you would look at their behavior and how they treated people, it. They were not living the scripture. And yet people believed them because they used those phrases. They used those wor words to basically, like, cut this blindness over people, to get them to just follow them. Because they said they were the man of God. They said they were the woman of God. They said that they're hearing God's voice. They said that they're receiving dreams. So if you're not really paying attention, if you're not listening and paying attention to what they're doing, it's so easy to be deceived by these people. [00:17:22] Speaker A: Yeah, it truly is. Well, in the language and the topics they want to talk about attracts people into them, but they don't give all glory and honor to God. And that's where all glory and honor is supposed to go. It's not supposed to go to the person speaking the scripture. [00:17:42] Speaker B: Right, Right. Yeah. It's just like if. And that was the big thing too, is just like it's even talked about in the being followers of Paul, being followers of Cephas, being different followers. No, we all follow God. We follow our Lord and Savior, Yeshu Hamashiach. We mimic his example of what it means to love God and love your neighbor. That's a red flag. Actually, that's become a big red flag for me is when people get super offended when you attack their. Their man of God. It's just like, you know, if you call into question what they say, you're like, how dare you, you know, attack the man of God. You're going to receive, you know, tribulation and God's going to, you know, you don't want to go to the hot place. It's like they use these buzzwords to make people afraid. And that's exactly what you should be doing. There's the truth withstands scrutiny. You should be questioning absolutely everything and go until you're. You're satisfied with the answer. That's what people need to do in order to call out narcissists and false prophets and especially religious narcissists. [00:18:45] Speaker A: Yes. Yep, yep. I. Let's go through some of the traits and maybe read some scripture associated with it. [00:18:54] Speaker B: That's a good idea. [00:18:54] Speaker A: And you'll see how these. How using kind of the term narcissist and the traits helps us access the scripture and really understand the New Testament commandments. The first is that I've got here a boastful arrogance. And let's look at Proverbs 16:18. [00:19:18] Speaker B: Oh, that's a good one. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. [00:19:24] Speaker A: Right. So if you see somebody, that's not how God blesses us. That's what he does with the evil. He's pushing back against it. [00:19:35] Speaker B: Yeah, that makes sense. [00:19:36] Speaker A: And so that's if we have that behavior in us, the boastful or the arrogance, that's a good trait to walk away from as best you can. We're all human. [00:19:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:49] Speaker A: We all have our weakness, but that's not one to assert, you know, so fight, fight back on it. And I'll give you several of them here. And let's see. Lack of, lack of empathy, manipulation, controlling. We can do a deeper dive on some of these here, but manipulation, controlling behavior, entitled envy, jealousy, seeking admiration, lying, deceit, lack of accountability, exploitive. It sounds like Satan, doesn't it? [00:20:27] Speaker B: It does. It sounds exactly like just the list of what you would expect from Satan. Yeah, that's. [00:20:32] Speaker A: To me, those kind of behaviors are the spirit of the Antichrist. That's how I understand the spirit of the Antichrist. [00:20:41] Speaker B: Well, yeah, because when you think about 2 Thessalonians, when it talks about the man of sin, the son of perdition, which is often associated with the spirit of Antichrist, which there's some nuances there that most of you guys are aware of. But when you think about it, the man of sin, regardless of who he is, look at what he does. He sits in the temple of God as God, showing himself that he is God. And that's quintessential devil right there. I mean, that's what the devil does. He thinks he's a God. And you see the parallels with narcissism. So it makes sense that, that would be the spirit of narcissism, the spirit of. Ah, there you go. Spirit of narcissism, the spirit of Antichrist. Because that's against what the Anointed One did. You never saw that behavior from him. You never saw him making those claims. Other people may have made claims like that, but you never saw him making those claims. [00:21:30] Speaker A: No, no. And with these kind of traits, too, you can see how he could be a lot more discerning. We can see this in, in other people, in ourselves, and then make, you know, appropriate decisions. You know, we're to love everybody and, you know, it's. But how close should I get to this person? [00:21:53] Speaker B: Right. [00:21:54] Speaker A: Where. Where is it? Where am I? At a good distance, a safe distance. When am I in too deep? When am I. When do I have too close of a relationship to this person? [00:22:05] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:08] Speaker A: How can I become a better child of God? You know, when you can identify these things, you can push back on them some. [00:22:17] Speaker B: Sure. [00:22:18] Speaker A: And there's. There's other things that you can do to draw kind of like a push, pull, push away from this pull towards Christ. [00:22:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:28] Speaker A: And that's our spiritual walk right there. And it's. You can see how that can be a constant enduring thing where you don't really hit a. A plateau and you don't stay stuck in your faith. You grow in your faith. [00:22:42] Speaker B: Right? Yeah. And you also grow. You grow in those two commandments, loving God and loving your neighbor. You start to live that more because you learn to love your. Well, you love God first and foremost, above everything, not yourself. You don't love yourself above everything. You love God first, then you love your neighbor as yourself. [00:23:02] Speaker A: Right? Yeah. And when you're using God's will as a. That's the personal boundary I'm going to enforce. It's going to be honoring God and bringing glory to God. And if it doesn't, I'm out of this. If it does, I'm all in. That does put God first. [00:23:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:23:26] Speaker A: If. Let's look at lack of empathy a little deeper. Well, one of the things I wanted to say on arrogance. Arrogance can be kind of tricky for people because it seems similar to confidence for some people. [00:23:42] Speaker B: Sure, I can see that. [00:23:44] Speaker A: And they're. They're very different. Arrogance draws attention to the person exhibiting it, you know, so if you're acting arrogantly, that's to draw attention onto you. [00:23:56] Speaker B: Right. [00:23:58] Speaker A: Confidence doesn't draw attention. It. You, you have, you know, you know something to be true, and it's confidence. And you have no reason to prove Yourself, you already. You know what's true. [00:24:18] Speaker B: Yeah, well, yeah, you can. You. It doesn't matter the attention, it changes the perspective, what is true. So you speak more confidently because there's no doubt, whereas speaking arrogantly, it's because you know more than somebody else. You have the information. You, you know, it's all inwardly faith. [00:24:39] Speaker A: Trying to draw them to your side. [00:24:41] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at me. Look how. Look how smart I am. Look how much. Look at the things I know. Right, Right. [00:24:49] Speaker A: Yeah. And confidence pairs very nicely with humility. If I'm confident, I can be humble, no problem. But humility and arrogance don't go together at all. [00:25:05] Speaker B: No, they don't. They're at odds with each other. [00:25:08] Speaker A: Yeah. Lack of empathy. Let's take a look at Philippians 2, 3, 5. That's something else I've noticed too, is as I research these things, it's sending me to all parts of the Bible. It's not just like one section. [00:25:29] Speaker B: I can imagine that. I can imagine. So it's everywhere. Wow. Well, you know, and it's interesting how once you have a label on something, you know, I've spoken negatively about labels in the past to where, usually in the context of sin, to where if you're. If you're going to label people according to their sin, but. But preach forgiveness for yourself, you yourself are in error. But there is value in labels because that's how you identify things. So it's one thing to, like, identify a sin that maybe somebody has had in their past. The problem is, is where. Where you continue to hold them accountable for sins they may no longer. That they may have repented from. Right. That they've changed. [00:26:10] Speaker A: Right. [00:26:11] Speaker B: Because we're all sinners. We've all got stuff in our past that, you know, people could use against us to turn people away from listening to us in this present day. That is so often. That is so true. When you're looking at, like, what's going on in politics today is. That is a common tactic with politicians. Dig up dirt on people's pasts. Right. But when you think about labeling something so that you can identify it, there is real value in labeling those things so that you can go, oh, yeah, that is an attribute of Antichrist. That is an attribute of narcissism. So it frames it so that you can actually see it and then you'll start seeing it everywhere. [00:26:49] Speaker A: Yes. [00:26:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:26:50] Speaker A: I love it. I don't like labels. When they're used kind of as a weapon against somebody, that's terrible. They are who they are. And they stand on their own good and bad deeds. But labels are fantastic for search terms. [00:27:09] Speaker B: Sure. [00:27:10] Speaker A: You know, that's a good way to put it. Something. And just say, yeah, I want to know about something. It's not going to work. So good for you. [00:27:18] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. All right, Philippians 2. Where did you want me to read 3 through 5? So let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind. Let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Wow. [00:27:49] Speaker A: You hear that empathy in there, too? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:27:54] Speaker B: That's what we're supposed to always think about others. [00:27:56] Speaker A: Yep. Yeah. Let's talk a little bit about empathy. The empathic people, you know, these are narcissistic traits here. Empathic people have really a completely different set of traits. They. The stronger empaths actually feel emotions of other people and so strongly that they'll confuse them with their own feelings and their own emotions. [00:28:24] Speaker B: Wow. Wow. [00:28:27] Speaker A: They. And they. They can understand how a person is feeling and thinking by a couple things. One is body language, which is really hard to duplicate. You can learn it over time, but they'll. They'll pick it up based on, you know, are the shoulders a little more slumped? Are they, you know, looking down a little more? Or whatever. But they'll. They'll pick up those subtleties. But something that everybody can do is they listen. They listen carefully to other people. [00:29:00] Speaker B: Right. [00:29:01] Speaker A: Because people try to express how they're feeling and what they're thinking, but if we don't hear them, we don't really know what's going on with them. [00:29:13] Speaker B: Yeah. That reminds me of a book that I used to read on a monthly basis. And by read, I mean listen to the audiobook. It's called Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss. One of the tactics that is. That is a fantastic book on empathy, subtly presented as negotiations used by the FBI. It's really all about empathy. And one of the tactics that they use is to repeat the last words, the last three words that somebody says or the. Or the. A short summation of what it is that they just said. And it's a trick to force you to actually listen to what the other person is saying, because in order to actually summarize what they just said, you have to actually listen. So it takes you out of that space to where you're. You're so quick to chomp at the bit to get Your word in next that you have to actually listen to what the other person is saying. And he can't afford the computational cycles to think about your own stuff. So it's a neat little trick to like, force yourself to listen to what? To empathetically listen to somebody. [00:30:18] Speaker A: Right. Yeah. And they. And it built. Okay. The love that's in the first and second New Testament commandments. I feel like I'm bouncing around a little bit, but I don't think so. That love is agape is what I figured out that it means, is agape love, perfect love. That's the love that Christ showed was perfect love. And to get to perfect love, empathy is actually a gateway to it. If you know how somebody else is feeling, what their needs are, what they're thinking, you. You can meet those needs. [00:31:05] Speaker B: Yeah, well, that makes sense. [00:31:06] Speaker A: Okay. [00:31:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:07] Speaker A: Because you know what they are. If you don't empathize with them, you got no idea what their needs are. And you've got no way to show. Show them love, feeling, helping them through their difficulties. [00:31:27] Speaker B: What an interesting way to think about that. I can confirm. How else would you do it? If you're not actually listening and feeling, how can you actually know what they need to love them? [00:31:39] Speaker A: Right. Yeah. And you cannot love them by doing the arrogant thing on them. [00:31:46] Speaker B: Right. Or assuming you know what they need if you don't. Or assuming that they are going to do what you want. [00:31:54] Speaker A: Right. Without empathy, you can't really deliver love to them. You can mimic it. If you think they need a shirt, you hand them a shirt. But that's what you think. [00:32:09] Speaker B: Right. [00:32:10] Speaker A: You know, that may not be their. Their real need. [00:32:14] Speaker B: Sure. Yeah. They may be trying to tell you. Yeah. It's just like, you see that so often. They may be trying to tell you one thing, and because you're not paying attention, you're like, what? So you need a shirt. [00:32:22] Speaker A: Yeah, Right, Right. And. And if you think back to Christ, what he was doing, he was talking to people. He would find out what their needs were and he'd meet those needs. [00:32:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:32:37] Speaker A: That's how he did it. [00:32:39] Speaker B: That's true deliverance right there. So often we think that we know what somebody needs in order to be healed, but really you need to listen to what they tell you and listen to them in order to hear what they're saying. And here's another tip. If you repeat back what you think it is that they're saying and they say, no, that's a good. Like, no, that's not what I was saying at all. That's a good indication that you weren't listening. So that's another one of the benefits of repeating back. So it sounds like you're saying X, Y, and Z. If they say yes, exactly, then you know, you got that, you actually listened. But if they say no, that's not what I'm saying at all. What do you mean, I need a T shirt. That's not what I was saying. [00:33:19] Speaker A: Yeah, right. I've had it times before, too, where somebody had figured out, like, this whole chain sequence of things that they needed. Like they needed to get their, you know, car out of the impound lot or something. And you go, well, let's just drive over there and I'll give you the money to get it out. No, no, that's not what I need. What I need is to be brought over to the bank, because then I can cash my check and I. The bank is right. Right around where the car's impounded. I'll just walk over there and, you know, get it myself. But if you don't listen to them, then you don't really understand what they need, and you can't meet their needs the way that they need them met. [00:34:01] Speaker B: Right. [00:34:02] Speaker A: And you'll see that whole sequence of events at times where people will. They got it all planned out. They just need a little bump at the start to get there. [00:34:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:34:15] Speaker A: Let's look at manipulation and controlling behavior. Matthew 7, 15, 16. [00:34:25] Speaker B: Yeah, 15 and 16. Yeah. Matthew 7:15. Beware of false prophets. This is a good one. Yeah. Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes? Or figs from thistles, even? So every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruits. Boy, isn't that a visual image of somebody? Of a wolf. Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Wow. [00:35:12] Speaker A: Right? They're selfish. They're ravenous wolves. They're selfish. They want all of them self and you too. Entitlement. Matthew 9, 30, 1930. [00:35:27] Speaker B: 19. All right, so 1930. But many who are first will be lasts and the last firsts. Yeah, that's a good one. [00:35:41] Speaker A: And let's look at Luke 14:11 also. [00:35:45] Speaker B: Right. Luke 14. For whosoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. [00:35:55] Speaker A: Yeah, that entitlement. You can see how that's the entitlement behavior isn't what is going to get God's blessings there. Envy and jealousy. Let's look at James 3:16. [00:36:11] Speaker B: James 3:16. For where envy and self seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. Yeah, ain't that the truth? [00:36:23] Speaker A: It really gives pause to being thankful, doesn't it? You know, we're told to be thankful in all things. [00:36:31] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:31] Speaker A: You know, in all things. I. If you're jealous and envious of somebody else because they have something you don't, you should be thankful you don't. [00:36:44] Speaker B: Right. [00:36:46] Speaker A: It's kind of upside down, you know, if you're thankful in all things. Actually, I don't know if you're aware of this. They. There was a test where they, like a scientific type study where they examined people that were always happy, very happy people, to try and find what was in common with them. Thankfulness. It's thankfulness. If they're thankful, they're happy. I. [00:37:19] Speaker B: Well, yeah, that makes sense. [00:37:20] Speaker A: There is a connection between thankfulness and happiness. You're not moaning and groaning about what you don't have and what you need, and you're thankful that you're where you're at. [00:37:32] Speaker B: Well, yeah, I mean, it's a matter of perspective. You know, there's so many things in the scripture that talk about putting off the things of the world, selling the things of the world. If you're attached to friends and family that are holding you down, I mean, Jesus asked for people to leave those things. And it's like if you're so focused on them and not God, I could see how that could be troublesome. Like if you're so focused on even, even things that seem like you should worry about them paying your bills, that's a big one. Right now, so many people are struggling financially and that while you should focus on it, if you want to see those bills get paid, go to God, pray, give it to him, and then you'll see those things actually get taken care of. But it's when we get so hyper focused on the things that we think are important that we stop thinking about others. We stop putting God first. [00:38:26] Speaker A: Right? Yep. Let's look at this one. Lying in Deceit, Psalms 101. It's a, it's a pretty short psalm. So let's just read the whole thing. [00:38:37] Speaker B: Psalms. [00:38:39] Speaker A: And I guess lying in deceit kind of goes right with manipulation, doesn't it? [00:38:43] Speaker B: Yes, lying in deceit. Because you usually, if you're deceiving somebody, you're lying to them. All right, Psalm. You said Psalm 101. I will sing of mercy and justice to you, O Lord. I will sing praises. I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when will you come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. I will set nothing wicked before my eyes. I hate the work of those who fall away. It shall not cling to me. A perverse heart shall depart from me. I will not know wickedness. Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, Him I will destroy. The one who has a haughty look and a proud heart. Him I will not endure. My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me. He who walks in a perfect way, he shall serve me. He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house. He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence. Early. I will destroy all the wicked of the land that I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord. Wow. That'd make a good song. I'm going to make that into a song. [00:39:58] Speaker A: It would. I heard that song you did, by the way. I love that. Was that Psalms 3, wasn't it? [00:40:05] Speaker B: That's Psalms 3. And there's a funny story behind that. Do we have time for me to tell it real quick? We have nine minutes. How much more do you have for today? [00:40:16] Speaker A: Well, I was thinking we might want to talk a little bit too about voting and, and look at, you know, with. Everybody needs to. Everybody should be voting tomorrow. Tomorrow's voting day. [00:40:30] Speaker B: A hundred percent can confirm. Yeah. Please go out and vote. Listen. Listen to the Lord. Do what he says, even if you don't agree. The Lord yells at me all the time. I do things that I don't want to do. So even if you have an. Have an issue, if there's some senseless thing that is. That is bothering you, if there's. If there's people who are against who you think you should vote for, listen to the Lord. This is the time. That's for sure. This is a very consequential election. [00:41:05] Speaker A: A couple of comments related to this show and the in the election that I guess I'd like to share. One is I've seen out of both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, a lot of deception. Out of a lot of politicians. [00:41:18] Speaker B: Yep. And that's for sure. [00:41:20] Speaker A: I don't think that is really who we should be voting for is right. If somebody's deceptive, you know, and if some people may see it one way and others see it other ways, well, that's fine. We all have our own vote and we should cast it the way we think is right. Myself, I see a. I don't see much empathy in Kamala. I think she connects with some people, but I really don't see a lot of empathy there. When you. When you look at Trump, everybody loves him. People following him just absolutely love him. In fact, one of their chants is, we love you, Trump, or we love you. [00:42:04] Speaker B: Right. [00:42:04] Speaker A: And, you know, in his time there at the McDonald's and on the garbage truck, he's. He is empathizing with people. There's no denial about that. [00:42:15] Speaker B: Well, yeah, and that's the thing is, like, I grew up with that. That's my life experience about that man is just like, every time I saw him, he was always taking care of other people. He was the richest man. More than once, he lost everything and still became the richest man. So you can see that. Like, sure, people could use that against him, but I see it as somebody who doesn't let trials and tribulations stop him. He still continues and succeeds. And even today when you see him, yeah, there's a lot of people who want to label him according to things that he may or may not have done in his past. But you look at his fruits, and the dude is a billionaire. And the way that they attack him in hundreds and hundreds of ways, they attack him, they financially attack him, they sue him, they shoot at him. It doesn't stop him. And he's not doing it for his own selfish reasons. If he was doing it for his own selfish reasons, he'd just go sit back at his fancy golf course on it, you know, eating off of his gold plates and doing the things that he wants to do. But he's. He's forsaken all of that stuff. Even when. I don't know if people know this, they took every dime from him for, like, 30 seconds. Do you know about that? Like, when they. When they. They took it, they tried to find him his last $500 million or something like that. Like, within a day, he became worth, like, several billion dollars again. So that's the kind of stuff that I see. And it's just like, yeah, God's not letting them get away with these shenanigans. And it doesn't stop him either. He is highly empathetic and highly motivated. That's good fruit to me. That's not bad fruit. [00:43:52] Speaker A: That's same me. Same with me. Anyway, we're right at about an hour. You want to call it here? [00:44:02] Speaker B: Yeah, we're about five minutes. So I'll tell my story tomorrow. Maybe I'll start Working on the song for 101. But I put the link to the song that I recently made. It's based on Psalm 3. Yeah, Psalm 3. I highly recommend that you go read that and then tomorrow I'll tell you guys a story about it. Sound good? [00:44:25] Speaker A: Sounds good. [00:44:27] Speaker B: Cool. All right, well, God bless you guys. Appreciate every single one of you for coming. So tonight we talked about the spirit of Antichrist, but we really didn't put it in terms of the spirit of Antichrist that much. We're going to talk much more about that in the days to come. We talked about narcissism, how to identify narcissist, where it starts. This is something that goes back to the very beginning. So we could literally just go through the entire Bible and identify the attributes of narcissism and empathy. Hopefully you can see where we're going with this, how, how we're starting to identify these things. And hopefully you'll start. As we get more into this, you'll start seeing ways that you can identify stuff that you've dealt with in your past, but also maybe things you're dealing with currently or maybe things that are your own attributes. I mean, we can absolutely all have some of these attributes. So looking forward big time to continuing this conversation and talking more about that. So with that, God bless everyone. Shalom, Shalom. Have a good night. And we'll be back here probably tomorrow at the same time. So we're probably looking at doing this for the next week. For. For at least the next week. We're going to try doing it at this time to see how it goes. So 4 o'clock, we're going to try and keep them at an hour. So. Got anything else you want to say, Paul, before we go? [00:45:42] Speaker A: Nope. I just. I had a great time. I hope everybody got a lot out of it and that there. That it did increase their discernment and their ability to see things and that they think about these things and use it to grow spiritually. [00:46:00] Speaker B: Cool. All right, can you make sure to stay on the line when I end the stream because. So here's the thing with this new platform. I know Paul's video has been a little shaky. I imagine his connections kind of slow. You're out in the boonies, so sometimes your Internet's not a hundred percent reliable. So the reason why we're using this platform is it's been recording his video the entire time on his device. If you could stay on afterwards and it will actually upload that video and then we'll come out with hopefully a perfect copy of this for, like, the final product. And that's one of the benefits of this platform, is it's more resilient to Internet connection issues. All right, so there we go. God bless you guys. Have a good night. [00:46:44] Speaker A: Good night.

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